Composer Reviews

Andrew has certainly changed, enriched, and inspired the musical world in Yorkshire and beyond.

Sir John Rutter. 2023

I have always been inspired by Andrew’s dramatic yet detailed capacities as a conductor and his work as an inspirational trainer of singers.

Professor Damien Harron. Leeds Conservatoire

I am immensely grateful that he included me in his repertoire, doing so with such skill, commitment and care.

Howard Goodall CBE

It was an absolute delight to hear my work performed on July 6th 2006 at the Royal College of Music, and I would like to thank you personally for placing so much trust in me for an event of this size. I would like to say that your conducting on the day was most impressive; I have taken away from this concert the knowledge of what a difference an accomplished conductor makes in preparing a performance – especially with such little time.

Oliver Rudland - Composition student RCM 2006

I was delighted with the concert. It was the fourth and, without doubt, best performance of the piece I have heard. I have brought together many groups of children and adults for performance in the past and I know how important it is for the person in charge to have a good rapport with both groups. I have seen performances almost destroyed by conductors who had no idea how to speak to children or help them to be an important part of the performance. Andrew Padmore was quite excellent with them, and that was one of the most significant contributions to the success of the whole performance. Indeed I thought Andrew’s approach to the whole project, his rehearsal technique and his relationships with all performers were first rate.

Alan Simmons. OBE Nov. 2004

No amount of words can express my joy, adulation and heartfelt praise to you as a conductor for bringing out, so palpably such a fine performance of “African Sanctus”. A masterful performance; glorious and committed.

David Fanshawe July 2004

It was a revelation for me to hear the Yorkshire Philharmonic Choir singing with such authority, conviction, energy, musicianship and range of colours, so brilliantly displayed to your capacity audience, under the direction of Andrew Padmore. Your performance was one of the most thrilling and exhilarating I have ever heard. I remained spellbound throughout.
A choir of your calibre owes so much to its trainer. Andrew Padmore is clearly not only your conductor and musical director: he is also your Mentor, Friend, Counsellor and Musical Magician. Watching you all work with Andrew was for me and those around me, including the critics, the very best musical experience I could have imagined.
Thank you all for delivering one of the finest performances of African Sanctus I have ever been privileged to hear in the world.

David Fanshawe. July 2004

A performance with heart and soul and voice! The fervour of the spirituals comes through triumphantly and movingly from first to last. A recording to cherish and enjoy……. put it on once and you’ll want to put it on again and again.
Masterful performances from Andrew Padmore and his truly splendid singers and musicians. I loved it.

Dr John Rutter CBE - 2009
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